Refraction Sports

A sports company specialising in snow and water sports. This company, its competitors, and fans consist of many Suns of Nyxmera and Proteans. It combines the go with the flow of these sports with the exhilarating voyeurism.


(3 HP, CHOKE 6: Irreversibly change into a puddle of water)

  • Ankle bound knife (1D6 DAMAGE)
  • Bottle of Holy water (1 use)
  • Sunglasses and Surfer necklace
  • Always seems at least slightly stoned
  • Wetsuit
  • Surfboard

WAVER: Always happy to welcome people into the surf hobby. They are nomadic in origin, allowing the flow to dictate their movements. They like to gather in groups trying to find the best waves. When a group of Protean surfers are nearby it is easy to be swept up them. YOu may be minding your business one second and surfing a wave the next, time is strange when you are having fun.


(3 HP, CHOKE 6: Collapse into a snowball)

RADICAL: Snow sports are awesome. There is no resisting gravity so you might as well reach the bottom in style. Speaking to PROTEAN SNOWBOARDERS can lead to a severe case of carpe diem.