Chapter 7 Skifry

Hub: to reveal information

Town symbol is that of a purple dragon (wrym) on the snow with a beautiful Aurora Borealis in the sky.

The town is a cozy Canadian town. Plenty of peaked top buildings covered in snow.

Initially the town was founded due to the abundance of underground hot springs used for heat and now to generate electricity.

7.1 Church of Nyxmera

A church of the Primeval deity Nyxmera. The two-faced deity of night and day. It embodies drama, loving the light (comedy) and the dark (tragedy). It is forever watching and so wants interesting events to occur.

The vast majority of the town attend this church.

Note: In my world this religion is normal, feel free to replace with a different church.

7.1.1 Summer Night (she/her), cleric of Nyxmera

Gossip: to pass on rumours.

She wears a robe, one side is bright white whilst the other is black.

She is very cheery with a very dark sense of humour.

7.2 The Yert

A gear shop run by the Yerts. The hunters can buy a bunch of gear here like drones, night vision goggles, snow gear etc.

7.2.1 Bob & Susi Yert

Witness: to reveal information

They are both amenable but unwilling to discuss current events in details. They are loyal to the Bjorksons but don’t know what they are actually doing.

If pressed or threatened they may reveal that the Bjorksons bought a very fancy drone a few months back.

7.3 Hospital & morgue

7.3.1 Dr Mordecai Tryst (he/him), morgue man

Detective: to rule out explanations.

A morose tired man. Did the autopsies on the various victims. None of the bodies are with him so the hunters only have his word to go on.

He doesn’t like these murders and wants them to be stopped.

7.4 Simone’s Antique’s

More a pawn shop than an antique place, no matter how much Simone says otherwise.

7.4.1 Simone

Victim: To put themselves in danger.

Simone’s attire consists of a flowing baggy dress that glimmers like purple scales. She is obsessed with the legend of the purple dragon of Skyfry slain by the town’s founder Georges. Her story is completely wrong. But she is currently very giddy and wanting to tell people of her discovery.

She is very happy to talk with the hunters and show them the tubular diamond pieces (not realising they are diamonds) that she has been buying from Mr Plum. If the hunters humour her/manipulate her well she will show them her prized possession.

In her freezer she keeps a frozen scale of the snow worm which has a tubular diamond coming from it.

If she shows this to the hunters she will become a target of the Bjorkson’s.

7.5 Indeginous centre

A centre to display the history of indigenous tribes of Canada.

7.5.1 Charlie (they/them), curator and story teller

Witness: To reveal information.

A friendly story teller with many paper cuts on their fingers.

They can tell the hunters many stories of various mythology and creatures.

Will only tell the hunters the story of the ice worm if the hunters know it is an ice worm they are dealing with.

The native Waawate & Icelandic Jokla were a warlock pair of great power. They vanquished the mighty ice worm. Waawate summoned the Northern lights to attract the beast. Then Jokla encased it in ice.

7.6 Misc

7.6.1 Mr Plum (he/him)

Witness: to reveal information

A plumber with a large moustache and cap emblazoned with a plum.

The hunters will most likely seem him multiple times around town as there are many plumbing issues. Little bits of tubular diamonds are shredding water pipes. He thinks it is is fibre optic cables somehow getting into the systems by the new internet lines that were installed. He will happily complain about this to anyone who asks. He sells them to Simone of Simone’s antiques.

These bits of diamonds are coming from the Ice worm which frequents the hot springs to keep warm. Only been appearing in the last months.

7.6.2 Sheriff Elise

Helper: to join the hunt

Elise’s warm police uniform is immaculate. She obviously doesn’t get much work even though she would love it.

She will most likely search out the hunters if they attract too much attention. She can be a good person to put suspicion on the Bjorksons by saying how they keep people quiet through transport blackmail.

Elise feels she was assigned to this job because she is too competent and not corrupt enough. All she does is paperwork because the resort security do most things and get in her way.