
Websites realted to my hobbies. These are primarily related to role playing games.

My itch.io page


PUML is a homebrewed variant of the FIST RPG. Whereas FIST is a high lethality system, PUML attempts to be less lethal allowing characters to more easily survive through a campaign.

Link: https://m-gemmell.itch.io/puml

Primeval Deities

A website to host faction information of the Primeval deities for the FIST RPG. Contains missions, lore, and a “bestiary”.

Link: https://m-gemmell.github.io/Primeval_Deities_FIST/


The Rustlands is a setting for FIST. It is heavily steeped in speculative biology with various sentient creatures roaming the lands. Due to the war of 2 deities the waters of this alternate Earth have drained into the ground. Storms rage across the whole world with only a few safe havens formed by the presence of 2 other deities. It is one of these safe havens where the team will enter and explore.

Link: https://m-gemmell.itch.io/the-rust-lands

POPS: Possible Oil Pipe Sabotage

A Dilemma mission for the FIST RPG, were the PCs mercenary crew must decide between protecting an oil pipeline or sabotaging it. Descend into the dense Black forest and lay down you mark on the world.

Link: https://m-gemmell.itch.io/pops-possible-oil-pipe-sabotage

AWE: Auroras & Worm Eradication

Snow sport enthusiasts are being found dead with shark-like bites at the Aurora ski resort in Skifry, Canada. Refraction Sports are planning to hold a televised event next year at the Aurora. They want these deaths to stop. Discover the mystery in this FIST RPG mission.

Link: https://m-gemmell.itch.io/awe-auroras-and-worm-eradication

The Aurora’s Avarice

A Mystery for the RPG Monster of the Week. It includes a skiing mouintain town on the off season, a cult, and giant Ice worms.

Link: https://m-gemmell.github.io/RPGs/Monster_of_the_week/The_auroras_avarice/01-The_auroras_avarice.html